Salutations and Peace be upon you :)
I think today's post will be very short. I just want to say something. Whenever I feel bored, I find myself googling for one thing: Babies. Haha, maybe my 'mother' instincts hormones are at an abnormally high level but I've always had a soft spot for babies or children in particular. Even when I was younger, secretly I wished to become a mother, not a doctor or scientist. There's just something so heart warming about hearing a baby's laughter. Something so heart wrenching about hearing a baby's cry. And something so miraculous when looking into their eyes. Is that why they are called rezeki? Allah's gift and blessings upon parents? Knowing that if your child grew up right, they'll be the best treasure you leave behind when you pass from this Earth and that their prayers can continue to supplement your deeds.
Somehow, after my 18th birthday, I've managed to come to a conclusion that even if I don't get married in the future, I still want to have a child of my own. Whether she/he is adopted or merely a god-child, I do not mind. I know it's a very heavy responsibility, one that you can't fool around with. But there's just this tugging at my heart strings whenever I play with children. Even more so when I read about babies being abandoned or orphaned. I wish I can wrap them all in my arms and shield them from all that is bad in this world. *sigh* I feel so old. An old soul.
Before I finish this post, let me just leave a picture of a baby.
Because it makes me happy :)
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